Cold vs Flu – When you should visit doctor

Cold vs Flu – When you should visit doctor

We often catch cold and the symptoms of it can be a sore throat, sneezing, running nose, and frustrating cough. Sometimes, your bones and joints might also start aching which is an indication that you are suffering from a cold or virus. We tend to ignore the cold by eating hot curries, soups, and homemade remedies. However, not all types of cold get easily cured. Therefore, you must consult a doctor immediately especially when you are suffering from the cold from more than a week.

Let us look at some of the flu and cold symptoms for which you will have to visit a doctor:


Fever is not only about the temperature of your body. The reason behind the fever i.e. determining whether the fever viral or not and what are the symptoms associated with it are the things that need to be examined. Therefore, if you have a high temperature then you must consult a doctor instead of waiting for the mercury of your thermometer to come down.


If you are suffering from congestion since more than a week or 10 days then you must consult a doctor immediately. Children suffer from it more than adults and sometimes it might aggravate the problem as it gets difficult to breathe at most of the times. If you have a child who is suffering from congestion you will have to visit the doctor to understand the reasons behind it as the child will not be able to express the pain and agony it is going through.


People ignore cough thinking that it is normal to cough while suffering from cold. However, not all types of cough are related to simple cold and therefore you must be aware and vigilant at all times. If the cough is pink, red or frothy then it is better to visit a nearby doctor to clear the doubts. If you are suffering from fever and cough at a time then you will probably feel some pain in the chest while coughing. Though it is normal, you should consult a doctor immediately to fasten up the pace of recovery or to clear your doubts.

Visit a doctor at once if you are not able to breathe properly due to constant coughing, if you end up getting a high temperature at night or if you are suffering from whooping cough. Usually, the cough lasts for a couple of weeks or more and its intensity declines after the first few days. However, if it lasts more than that or if the intensity of the cough is increasing day-by-day then it would prove to be a wise decision to seek advice from an expert. Also, if a child coughs and has a fever then do not delay in seeking advice from the doctor.

Other symptoms

If you are suffering from headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting along with the cold or flu then you must see a doctor on a priority basis.

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