Diabetes: The difference between Types 1 and 2
Diabetes is a serious medical condition that gives rise to many other complications such as high blood sugar, blood pressure, deteriorated eyesight, and much more. Our body cells need glucose to function properly as it is one of the major sources of energy. However, it needs a vehicle to enter into our body cells and insulin is that vehicle. When you suffer from diabetes, your body is not capable of producing enough insulin and sometimes it even fails to respond to insulin. This differentiates diabetes into two types of’ viz. diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2.
In diabetes type 1, the patients are not able to produce enough or any insulin in their body. Therefore, they either need tablets or injections of insulin to control the blood sugar level.
In diabetes type 2, the patient’s body is not capable to respond to the insulin even if the body produces it. This is a more serious issue and has a drastic effect on blood sugar levels and other organs of the body.
Now, let us see some of the common symptoms of diabetes:
Feeling the urge to pee regularly
Drinking a lot of water and always feeling thirsty
Feeling hungry even after eating enough food
Deteriorated eyesight
The injuries or cuts do not heal quickly and completely
If you too are experiencing a few or all of these symptoms then you must get your diabetes checked immediately. Nowadays, digital checking machines are available that provide the blood sugar level results in seconds. These machines are available at reasonable costs and therefore there is no need to consult a doctor for primary blood sugar detection.
Now, let us look at the causes of Diabetes Type 1 and 2
Diabetes Type 1 is usually a result of low immunity which reduces your body’s natural ability to fight with viruses and diseases. Usually, the immune system of a patient suffering from diabetes type 1 destroys healthy cells by considering them as bacteria or invader cells. Therefore, the insulin-producing cells are also destroyed in the process and body stops creating insulin. Usually, the beta cells located in your pancreas are responsible for producing insulin and once they get destroyed your body no longer produces its insulin.
People suffering from diabetes type 2 can produce insulin but their body fails to use or respond to insulin. The body resists to the insulin and this is usually due to lack of exercise, excess weight, unhealthy lifestyle or any other health reason. Some genetic factors also might be responsible for this insulin resistance. In diabetes 2, the pancreas ends up creating an excess of insulin to respond to the resistance and since the body is unable to utilize this insulin, a lot of glucose gets discharged in the bloodstream.
Thus we can say that diabetes 1 cannot be avoided at it depends on the environment, geography, and even age of the patient at times whereas diabetes 2 is the result of a poor and unhealthy lifestyle which makes it preventable.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Irritable Bowel Syndrome popularly known as IBS is a disorder that damages the large intestine. The exact reasons behind IBS are not known yet but it is considered as a combination of several factors such as intestinal muscle contraction, inflammation of intestines, infections, bacterial change in the gut, etc. It results in many complications that depend upon the extent up to which the large intestine gets affected. Moreover, it is extremely painful and disturbs your health and lifestyle easily.
Let us study some common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome first:
Abdominal pain is a common symptom when you suffer from IBS. The pain, cramping or bloating of the intestine subsides after the bowel movement but it will take over once again after that.
The intestine produces gases in excess which will make you feel extremely uncomfortable.
Diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive disorders might affect you in an alternating pattern.
The stool will consist of mucus in excess and this is a prime symptom of IBS.
Some of these symptoms are mild and therefore the patient might not even realize it until it gets worse.
Now, let us take a look at its causes:
Like we discussed earlier, the exact cause of the IBS is not known yet but researchers say that it is a combination of multiple factors which we are listing down below:
Inflammation – Sometimes the cells of the immune system get collected in excess in the intestines which results in pain, irritation or even diarrhea at times. This also causes inflammation in the intestines which is one of the main causes behind IBS.
Infection – If a person has suffered through a prolonged session of diarrhea or bacterial infection of the gut then it might result in IBS. Also, if the bacteria grow in large numbers in the intestine then it might be one of the main reasons for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Nerve disorder – The digestive system consists of numerous nerves that might get damaged due to the abnormal production of bacteria or viruses. It results in acute pain or irritation when you pass gas or during the bowel movement. This also weakens the connection between the intestine and the brain and the nervous system might react abnormally even to slight digestive disorders or congestion.
Muscle contraction – The intestines consist of muscle layers that contract and move as your food move through the digestive tract. If these contractions are stronger and sustain for a longer period then it might result in gas, diarrhea or bloating of the intestines which might result in IBS in the future.
If you are experiencing symptoms like weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, rectal bleeding, etc. then you need to visit a doctor immediately. The doctor might suggest you some muscle relaxation exercises along with the medication for faster recovery. The doctor might also ask you to seek the advice of a counselor as stress is a major factor that causes IBS.
Cold vs Flu – When you should visit doctor
We often catch cold and the symptoms of it can be a sore throat, sneezing, running nose, and frustrating cough. Sometimes, your bones and joints might also start aching which is an indication that you are suffering from a cold or virus. We tend to ignore the cold by eating hot curries, soups, and homemade remedies. However, not all types of cold get easily cured. Therefore, you must consult a doctor immediately especially when you are suffering from the cold from more than a week.
Let us look at some of the flu and cold symptoms for which you will have to visit a doctor:
Fever is not only about the temperature of your body. The reason behind the fever i.e. determining whether the fever viral or not and what are the symptoms associated with it are the things that need to be examined. Therefore, if you have a high temperature then you must consult a doctor instead of waiting for the mercury of your thermometer to come down.
If you are suffering from congestion since more than a week or 10 days then you must consult a doctor immediately. Children suffer from it more than adults and sometimes it might aggravate the problem as it gets difficult to breathe at most of the times. If you have a child who is suffering from congestion you will have to visit the doctor to understand the reasons behind it as the child will not be able to express the pain and agony it is going through.
People ignore cough thinking that it is normal to cough while suffering from cold. However, not all types of cough are related to simple cold and therefore you must be aware and vigilant at all times. If the cough is pink, red or frothy then it is better to visit a nearby doctor to clear the doubts. If you are suffering from fever and cough at a time then you will probably feel some pain in the chest while coughing. Though it is normal, you should consult a doctor immediately to fasten up the pace of recovery or to clear your doubts.
Visit a doctor at once if you are not able to breathe properly due to constant coughing, if you end up getting a high temperature at night or if you are suffering from whooping cough. Usually, the cough lasts for a couple of weeks or more and its intensity declines after the first few days. However, if it lasts more than that or if the intensity of the cough is increasing day-by-day then it would prove to be a wise decision to seek advice from an expert. Also, if a child coughs and has a fever then do not delay in seeking advice from the doctor.
Other symptoms
If you are suffering from headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting along with the cold or flu then you must see a doctor on a priority basis.
Paraben Free Skincare Product – What is all the buzz about and its importance
The primary role of skin care products is actually to support skin integrity, relieve skin conditions, and enhance skin appearance. These products can provide nutrition to the skin or avoid excessive exposure to the sun or even appropriately use emollients. In most settings, skin care products become a daily routine procedure for both men and women. Besides, radiation theory wound healing, and some medication is a part of the skincare treatments.
It is not long ago that most people were clueless about the skincare and cosmetic products having potentially harmful and toxic ingredients. However, cosmetic products suppliers have now spread much awareness about the use of a clean beauty regime with paraben-free products for flawless and problem-free skin.
Cosmetics with Parabens
Parabens are chemicals that are being commonly used in most cosmetic products. Use of parabens as preservatives is prevalent to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold. In simple words, parabens protect both the products as well as consumers. However, the safety of the use of parabens in cosmetics is a real question.
Methylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, and ethylparaben are forms of parabens that are most commonly used in cosmetics. Use of these components, in combination with some other types of preservatives, is done for better protection from microorganisms.
It is mandatory for skincare products supplied by cosmetic products supplier to have a list of ingredients. This list is essential for consumers to find out if the product contains the components they wish to avoid. Since its common name lists each listed part, it is easy to identify parabens their names. So, what is the uproar of the use of parabens?
Paraben-Free Products
It is true that not all skincare products are suitable for the skin. However, there are certainly some that are better than others. It is not surprising that parabens allow increasing the shelf life of skincare products for months, and even for years. But when consumers use these products, parabens can enter the human body through the skin.
A study conducted by the British in 2004 on 20 women revealed that 19 out of 20 women had traces of five types of parabens in the breast tissues. Although the study failed to prove that parabens can cause cancer, yet identification of parabens in body tissue was an essential finding. Their presence simply means that parabens can penetrate the human skin and remain within the tissue.
Parabens are believed to disrupt hormone function through mimicking the estrogen. Since too much of estrogen can trigger an increase in breast cell division, it can also lead to the growth of tumors. It is because of this reason that parabens are often linked to breast cancers and reproductive issues.
Besides, parabens are bad for the environment too as they may cause damage when released through the sewage system or released directly in the background.
Advantages of Paraben Free Products
Releasing the effects of paraben on human body and environment, manufacturers are now creating new and useful products. Therefore, most skincare products supplier believes that now, consumers have a more excellent choice available to choose from. Here are the advantages that act as a reason as to why using paraben-free skincare products and cosmetics can completely change the skincare game.
Youthful Skin: A commonly found paraben in most anti-aging cosmetics, methylparaben, leads to premature aging. Switching to paraben-free products can make skin appear youthful and firmer.
Anti-allergens: Use of parabens can cause dermatitis and eczema on human skin. Thus, causing the skin to appear red, inflamed, and irritated. Use of light moisturizers with parabens can soothe most sensitive skins.
Avoid risks related to breast cancer: As mentioned above, parabens weaken the estrogen-like properties that can cause breast cancer and other reproductive issues. Cosmetic products supplier like iKon remedies, provide a wide range of products that have super nourishing, paraben-free formula to clean the skin without stripping the natural oils off.
Health endocrine systems: Since parabens tend to interrupt the endocrine system of the human body, parabens are responsible for numerous body malfunctions like; mood swings, sleep disorders, and weak growth. It is advised to use paraben-free skincare products to keep the endocrine system healthy all the time.
Avoid prenatal problems in children: Pregnant ladies must stop using paraben skincare products. Research reveals that prenatal exposure to parabens can cause numerous learning and developmental issues.
Make an Effort
It is crucial to know that checking for the term ‘paraben-free’ is not always the final answer to see the safety of the skincare products. It appears that many beauty companies are responding to the public outcry about parabens. However, some of the companies are merely ‘greenwashing’ by using other synthetic ingredients instead of paraben. These artificial ingredients may cause equal or more significant harm or irritation to the human skin.
It is advised that consumers should never take marketing and adverts at face value and instead educate themselves on the label content of the skincare range.
How Ayurveda can help treat kidney stones
The impact of kidney stone in a human body can be a daunting experience for the patient. It gives an excruciating amount of pain thus making your life like hell. There can be solutions to get rid of this ailment including laser and other surgeries, however, the best comes in the form of Ayurveda. Several ayurvedic products suppliers can help you find the proper medicine for the same. In Ayurveda, one can find simple methods to get rid of the ailment. Let’s check how Ayurveda can help in treating the patient with the kidney stone ailment
Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones
As per Ayurveda, the poor lifestyle and improper diet adds the aggravation of all the three doshas and hamper the digestive fire, which ends up causing the formation of toxins within the human body. These toxins then move on with the urine where we find the aggravated doshas getting clubbed and thus giving crystallization. This then brings the formation of kidney stones. The treatment of Kidney stones in Ayurveda targets in finding out the kind of stone and the cause behind it. The medicines prescribed in Ayurveda further helps in carrying out the scrapping action, carry out the fragmentation and then dissolve the calculi stones. At the same time heal the nephrons.
Ayurveda therapy facilitates the micro blood circulation inside the damaged kidney tissues due to the presence of kidney stones. It, therefore, supplies more amount of oxygen and blood to make self-cure more effective and thus cease the scarring of kidney tissues. With effective treatment of the kidney stones, the patients would soon realize the improvement in seeking an ultrasound test after the Ayurvedic treatment. The science of Ayurveda is known to dissolve stones even of 27mm of the diameter without getting the surgery.
Wrapping up
Thus you can find Ayurveda helping the patients with a kidney stone in a big way. There are few Ayurvedic Medicines available with few best / top Ayurvedic suppliers that are very effective in treating kidney stone.
Impact of GST on Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
GST or the Goods and Service Tax, came into effect on July 2017 in India. Currently, 150 nations all across the world have implemented this tax, which happens to be an indirect system. It takes care of the account expenditure carried out with the sale, consumption of goods and manufacture and services of different products at the national level. These involve industries, companies, and services. This certainly includes the Pharmaceutical Industry, which constitutes a big portion of the market. Let’s see how the GST has put its impact on the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry:
The Impact of GST on small and Top Pharma Companies
The GST Council has been responsible for deciding the GST rates for the medicines. The said body has implemented the GST in five different rates, which goes like – NIL, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%, which depends upon the HSN code of the item. GST has added a positive impact over the Pharma industry as it can slash down the manufacturing cost. The drug cost control issues are just to ensure that the prices of important medicines are fixed making them affordable for the end-users. As per the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority’s revised list, the cost of most of the drugs has gone down that include HIV treatment medicines, medicines for diabetes and antibiotics and drugs for treating cancer. As there were eight different taxes, which were implemented in the pharmaceutical sector, GST has helped the businesses move easy going.
Wrapping up
The GST has its encouraging impact on the pharmaceutical sector in India. It has reduced the cascading effect of several taxes applied on One Product. It has disconnected the Central Sales Tax and the several Interstate transactions found in between the two dealers that have helped the conventional cost and distribution model get replaced by supply chain efficiencies. This ended up making the tax impartial.
Types of Malaria Symptoms, Causes & Treatments
Malaria is primarily a disease, which is caused by parasites. These parasites are known to be transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes. People with this disease would feel sick and have high fever along having shaking chills. Every year we see around 120 million people getting hampered with this ailment and as per reports by pharmaceutical companies in India and other groups, it kills around 440,000 people around the world every year. A majority of people losing their lives are among the young kids found in Africa.
Before you rely on any medicine for this ailment, it is important to understand and confirm the same by checking the symptoms. The symptoms to this disease include chills, fever, nausea and vomiting, muscle pain and fatigue. Besides, one can even find the other signs and symptoms that could include sweating, cough, chest or abdominal pain. The malaria attacks are often experienced with chills and shivering, which are followed by high fever. The symptoms and signs of malaria often start within a few weeks once they are seen getting bitten by an infected mosquito.
The Causes
There can be several causes behind this disease and some of these are clubbed as under:
Through bites of infected mosquitoes
Once bitten, the parasite enters the bloodstream and travels to liver. Infection develops in the liver & then re-enters the bloodstream and invades the red blood cells.
The Other Causes
From mother to unborn child
Blood transfusions
By sharing needles for injecting drugs
When to See the Doctor?
Once you witness the above-discussed symptoms, you need to see your doctor. He or she would then recommend the medicine and start the treatment to make things under control. If you need to travel to a place, which is prone to malaria and take preventive medication. Malaria signs and symptoms typically begin within a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, some types of malaria parasites can lie dormant in your body for up to a year and then it can have severe symptoms, which would even need to seek medical services.
Acidity – Causes & Symptoms
Symptoms of Acidity
Do you sometimes feel unwell because of the food you eat at times? You might experience the ill effects of acidity and its indications. There are numerous types of acidity indications and the most pervasive one is indigestion. Indigestion or acid reflux is likewise normally known and GERD. So what sort of indications is related to indigestion? Here are a couple of things you may encounter when experiencing acidity side effects. You could feel burning sensation in the stomach, feel full prior, and furthermore feel like puking or feel bloated.
Acid reflux side effects influence everybody, including kids. There are a few factors that additionally enhance the odds of you experiencing this ailment. Also if you are a smoker, or drink, or inclined to high pressure or have stomach issues, this affects the most. The disorder or stomach or the illnesses, at that point you are at a higher danger of experiencing acid reflux side effects.
Some more causes & Symptoms
Indigestion is likely more typical than you might suspect it is. It influences something like 60 million people. Regardless of whether you don’t experience the ill effects of indigestion, you can almost certainly experience it at least once in your life.
What are some normal symptoms refluxes?
There are three fundamental sorts, including dyspepsia, regurgitation and acid reflux. We are most aware of acid reflux, as it is easily seen on television ads.
In case you have never experienced acid reflux or heartburn before, perhaps you don’t realize what it precisely is.
Acid reflux is tormented that is in your stomach that climbs in your body as high as your chest. It is very discomforting.
Regurgitation as it sounds, it’s fundamentally the of the need of puking. The food that in your stomach does not have any option to remain there and it has an inclination that it needs to come out.
Dyspepsia is a term for individuals who have a harsh stomach after suppers. The individuals who burp or have stomach pain might experience the ill effects of dyspepsia.
If you have any indications of the above issues, at that point you likely will need to see a specialist. Individuals who experience the ill effects of acid reflux indications can end up experiencing different issues that they create related to indigestion. A precedent would be the enhancement of acidity in their stomach which can bring about kindling the throat which is quite agonizing. So if you are facing any such symptoms do visit a doctor soon for some quick remedies.
Multivitamin & Multimineral Supplements – An aid for healthier life
A multivitamin or minerals supplement is a dietary supplemental prescribed to add to the necessities of the human food regimen by adding to it minerals, an assortment of nutrients and a couple of other nourishing substances. You can get such supplements at any shop as liquids, capsules, tablets, powders, pastilles and in injectable form. All the others aside from injectable ones are accessible without a prescription from your nearby medical store. Injectable supplements are accessible and managed by a certified specialist. Multivitamin & Multimineral Supplements is definitely a boon for people with dietary deficiencies.
To start with, the basic multivitamin supplements at the previous times were Vitamin C and Vitamin D. They were manufactured using natural fruits and vegetable extracts. These supplements today have turned into a key ingredient of the life of those with an imbalanced eating regimen or uncommon individuals requiring particular nourishment. Individuals on a restrictive eating routine, for example, patients are subject to such Multivitamin & Multimineral Supplements. Individuals who can’t have a nutritious eating routine for reasons unknown are likewise in the requirement of such enhancements. Individuals in various phases of their life, for example, pregnant ladies or the old ones have various nutritional necessities and that is the reason they might be encouraged to take supplements by their doctors. These multivitamins likewise support colon, heart, eye, bones, and sound safe health and give security against free radical harm.
Since the food and medication departments have classified these multivitamin-multimineral items as dietary enhancements. You can get the majority of these over-the-shops at your neighborhood stores. These multivitamins are not tried thoroughly just like the case with pharmaceutical medications. There are a few multivitamins implied for curing of sickness which require a medicinal permit. These are given only with the help of a prescription. Since the supplements don’t contain any obscure substance, they need not need testing required by the new medication application. It is a direct result of the medication viability ponder execution program that such enhancements could enter the market with no issues.
In spite of the fact that multivitamin multimineral items can enable you to address your dietary imbalances, they can be very harmful to individuals with a medicinal history. Purchasers of these supplements need to practice essential alert amid their utilization. Although the nutrients an aid for a healthier life, these should be consumed in a limited quantity with care so that there is no adverse effect on anybody.